Week 5: Sculpting Secondary Forms #2
I finished up wrapping the character with ropes and bandages, then created a tileable chainmail nanomesh based on the hurstwic chainmail shape, the defining feature of hurstwic chainmail is that its made of wound around a wooden form to create a coil of iron wire, it is then cut along the length of the coil, finally sealed using a rivet. I created a metal plate for the chest armor in order to use nanomesh to place the plates in a conforming manner, I UV unwrapped it in order to achieve a pattern that projects the plates as if they were created from a single engraved piece of metal that was cut to shape. I bent the plates using bend deformers in Zbrush and cut them after laying the UVs in 3DS MAX. As for the leather clothing, I used Marvelous Designer to drape 3 layers of skirts that I can cut to shape after exporting from MD. In addition, I simulated the apron on top of the already simulated skirt. I used morph targets on the belt in order to create the bunching of t...