Week 6: Sculpting Secondary Forms #3

After receiving feedback about the design of the chainmail and plates, I was advised to add plates to the shoulder pad chainmail as it would break up the monotony of the chainmail on its own. I cleaned up the apron buckles and adjusted the clothing so they would not clip through.

I cut the body in order to subdivide it to larger meshes without having to worry about having dense areas where they're not needed. I made a bandage wrap on the neck to hide the cut seam.

I started laying in the creasing of the face based on the reference I collected and anatomy books I read, I sculpted them in split layers in to allow for flexibility of the intensity of crease patches on the face.

I projected Texturing XYZ displacement maps in Zbrush's Spotlight as a test, I auto UVed the head in Zbrush's UV Master to see how it would look like when taken through the pipeline in a quick test. I used the skin smart material which I wouldn't exclusively use in the final product but just as a quick test.


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